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Attachment-Based Therapy

Understanding Attachment

=Every person has a specific attachment style. The attachment style is reflected in most relationships but is especially evident in the context of a romantic relationship. The attachment style is influenced and developed during the individual's early life, and it is connected to the quality of emotional care that the individual receives from their caregiver or mother figure. Children with loving and consistent caregivers grow up with a secure sense of self. In contrast, children with caregivers who are inconsistent, absent, abusive or neglectful grow up feeling insecure, anxious and fearful of being abandoned. The attachment style will influence how the individuals relate to intimate relationships. It may also affect the way the individuals parent their children.


Identifying and understanding your attachment style is essential because it offers insight into your present relationship patterns. It clarifies why you behave the way you do and helps you navigate change to improve your relationship with your loved one.


The benefit of therapy to heal attachment injury​

Individuals who notice that they are constantly anxious about being abandoned,  unable to relate emotionally, or find themselves having difficulty managing their relationship may benefit from attachment-based counselling and therapy. The attachment-informed therapists will work with the individuals to explore and discuss their early relationship with their parent or caregiver, family dynamics as they grew up, and significant childhood experiences. The therapist will facilitate the individuals' exploration of connections between their childhood and adult relationships and how the past may influence the present. 


An attachment-based approach is effective in helping individuals, families, and couples to mend or recover from their attachment injury and hurtful family dynamics. Some of the well-known and research-validated attachment-based therapies for individuals and families include:


•  Rapid Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy  (EMDR)

•  Internal Family Systems Therapy  (IFS)

•  Emotion-Focused Therapy

•  Emotion-Focused Couple Therapy

•  Intergenerational Family Therapy

•  Psychodynamic Therapy

•  Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)


From Insecure to secure attachment

It is possible to heal from insecure attachment and develop secure attachment. Although a secure attachment style does not lead to problem-free or trigger-free relationships, it will help you navigate conflicts, regulate your emotions, identify toxic relationships, and have a secure sense of self.


Restoring Peace provides attachment-based counselling and psychotherapy by our attachment-informed clinicians. For more information, please submit your enquiry using the contact form or email us at

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10 Jalan Besar #12-06 / #12-09 / #09-09 Sim Lim Tower Singapore 208787


Mobile: 8889 1848 / 9484 9067


Opening Hours (by Appointment)

Monday: 9 am–9 pm

Tuesday: 9 am–9 pm

Wednesday: 9 am–9 pm

Thursday: 9 am–9 pm

Friday: 9 am–9 pm

Saturday: 9 am–6 pm

Sunday: 2–6 pm


Professional Counselling and Psychotherapy Services for

• Trauma • Anxiety • Addictions • • Adjustment • Behavioral Issue • Depression • Grief and Loss

• Personality Disorder • PTSD  and C-PTSD  • Relationship

and other life challenges


 • Clinical Supervision • Support Group  • Training 

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